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[美國直購 ShopUSA] 110V Dyson 暖風機 AM05 Hot + Cool Fan Heater Black/Nickel $13900

20130619bq_ Black/Nickel
Product Details
Color: Black/Nickel
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 6.7 x 25.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 8.2 pounds
Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.
Shipping Advisory: This item must be shipped separately from other items in your order. Additional shipping charges will not apply.
Item model number: AM05 Hot + Cool- Black/Nickel
Product Description
Color: Black/Nickel
The Dyson Hot + Cool fan heater provides the fastest whole room heating in winter, and cools you effectively in summer with high-velocity air. Conventional fan heaters claim to be effective cool air fans as well. But many have low airflow and velocity—so they’re not. The Dyson Hot + Cool fan heater uses Air Multiplier technology to amplify the surrounding air for long-range heat projection. It generates high airflow and air velocity to cool you effectively. Because there are no blades or visible heating elements, there’s no need for a safety grille. You can select your target temperature to the degree and the machine’s intelligent thermostat will keep it there. The machine cuts out automatically if tipped over. The Dyson Hot + Cool fan heater also saves energy. It’s energy efficient because it heats the room quickly and evenly and it maintains the temperature intelligently, switching heat on and off automatically.
Patented Dyson Technology
Dyson engineers are constantly testing and inventing, trying to find new ways to make their technology work better. As they work, they file patent applications to protect their inventions from copycat manufacturers. That’s why the only place you’ll find Dyson technology is inside a Dyson machine.
The Dyson Hot + Cool fan heater uses Air Multiplier technology to amplify surrounding air for long-range heat projection, and to generate high-velocity air to cool. Air is drawn in at the base of the fan heater by an energy-efficient motor. A combination of the technologies used in turbochargers and jet engines generates powerful airflow, which is accelerated through an annular aperture. The air passes over an airfoil-shaped ramp, which channels its direction. Air behind and around the machine is drawn into the airflow through the physical processes of inducement and entrainment, amplifying it. Unlike conventional fan heaters, there are no fast spinning blades, so the Dyson Hot + Cool fan heater produces an uninterrupted stream of smooth air.

Fastest Whole-Room Heating: The Dyson Hot + Cool fan heater uses an efficient motor and Air Multiplier technology for long–range heat projection.
Powerful Cooling Fan: Many conventional fan heaters claim to be effective cool air fans as well. But many have low airflow and velocity—so they’re not. With Air Multiplier technology, the Dyson Hot + Cool fan heater draws in up to 6 gallons of air per second generating high airflow and velocity, cooling you effectively.
Auto Cut Off: If tipped over, the Dyson Hot + Cool fan heater automatically cuts out. And there are no fast-spinning blades or visible heating elements, so there’s no need for a safety grille.
No Worrying Burning Smell: The heating elements in some fan heaters exceed 752°F, so when dust collects on them it burns. The elements in the Dyson Hot + Cool fan heater never exceed 392°F, so there’s no burning smell.
Complete Control: Target temperature can be selected to the degree, from 33°F to 99°F, and the brushless motor allows you to precisely control airflow velocity. The machine can be tilted to direct airflow – it pivots on its own center of gravity, staying put without having to be clamped down. An independent motor allows it to oscillate smoothly to distribute heat or cooling air throughout the room. Oscillation, airflow and temperature can all be controlled using the remote control, which is curved and magnetized to store neatly on top of the machine.
2-year parts and labor warranty: All Dyson machines undergo a lengthy and rigorous testing program. That’s why Dyson Air Multiplier fans include a 2-year warranty covering parts and labor.


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發表者 Ben, 2016/09/09 09:09:54

下單後才告知無現貨要從美國進, 等了2周



[美國直購 ShopUSA] 110V Dyson 暖風機 AM05 Hot + Cool Fan Heater Black/Nickel $13900 年輕人喜愛, [美國直購 ShopUSA] 110V Dyson 暖風機 AM05 Hot + Cool Fan Heater Black/Nickel $13900 介紹, [美國直購 ShopUSA] 110V Dyson 暖風機 AM05 Hot + Cool Fan Heater Black/Nickel $13900 平價, [美國直購 ShopUSA] 110V Dyson 暖風機 AM05 Hot + Cool Fan Heater Black/Nickel $13900 去哪買? (中央社洛杉磯8日綜合外電報導)美國影視年度盛會第74屆金球獎般獎典禮今天在加州比佛利山登場,艾瑪史東、布蕾克萊芙莉、萊恩雷諾和娜塔莉波曼等巨星盛裝走紅毯,光芒萬丈。 以「樂來越愛你」(La La Land)入圍音樂喜劇類最佳女主角的艾瑪史東(Emma Stone)挑選范倫鐵諾(Valentino)鑲珠粉紅色深V禮服,配戴鑽石貼頸項鍊,十分搶眼。 「好萊塢生活」(Hollywood Life)報導,以電視影集「花邊教主」打開知名度的布蕾克萊芙莉(BlakeLively),與丈夫、電影「惡棍英雄:死侍」(Deadpool)入圍音樂喜劇類最佳男主角的萊恩雷諾(Ryan Reynolds)走紅毯。 9月才剛生完小孩的布蕾克萊芙莉,產後身材恢復神速,選穿希臘風黑色禮服襯托其玲瓏有緻的好身材。 莎拉潔西卡派克(Sarah Jessica Parker)以「離婚歐買尬」(Divorce)入圍音樂喜劇類電視影集最佳女主角,她將辮子盤成髮髻,穿一身全白拖地削肩長禮服。 英國「衛報」(The Guardian)報導,以「第一夫人的秘密」(Jackie)入圍劇情類最佳女主角的娜塔莉波曼(Natalie Portman)挺孕肚走紅地毯,她選穿普拉達(Prada)芥末黃長禮服,典雅又不失大方。 以「漫漫回家路」(Lion)入圍最佳女配角的妮可基嫚(Nicole Kidman)身穿一襲銀色亮片點綴的薄紗長禮服,大方露出香肩。 女星潔西卡貝兒(Jessica Biel)陪同入圍最佳原創歌曲獎的老公賈斯汀(Justin Timberlake)一起走紅毯,她選穿Elie Saab黑色深V禮服展露好身材,性感爆表。(譯者:中央社陳昱婷)1060109

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(中央社巴黎31日綜合外電報導)科學家今天宣布,在1億9500萬年前的草食性長頸恐龍的肋骨化石中,發現現存最古老的軟組織殘留物。台灣的國家同步輻射研究中心也對這項全新發現貢獻一份心力。 法新社報導,研究團隊在刊載於「自然通訊」(Nature Communications)的最新研究指出,這項發現讓他們有機會獲得罕見線索,可望對這種絕種已久的動物生物構造與演化有更進一步了解。 現今保存的恐龍骨骸中,這類存在於化石內的線索多數都已逸失。 研究共同作者、多倫多密西沙加市大學(University of Toronto Mississauga)研究人員瑞茲(Robert Reisz)說:「我們在1億9500萬年前的恐龍化石中發現蛋白質,比當前任何類似的發現都要早至少1億2000萬年。」 他進一步說:「這種蛋白質是構成動物軟組織的單位,能夠了解如何保存下來,讓人非常興奮。」 瑞茲與團隊利用台灣國家同步輻射研究中心的光子束掃描早株羅紀(Early Jurassic)時期常見的祿豐龍(Lufengosaurus)肋骨骨頭化石內部,特別是其化學成分。 他們在肋骨細小骨管中發現膠原蛋白證據,推斷這「可能是這隻恐龍活著時用來供應骨頭細胞血液的血管殘留物。」 不過,這是否讓人們有機會發現恐龍DNA,有一天可以進行複製? 瑞茲說:「不,現在根本都還是空想。」(譯者:中央社許湘欣)1060201

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